Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

Future Technology

scientific works

future technologies



Along with the changing times, many changes-a very segnifikan especially prubahanon teknollogi. Humans are increasingly facilitated segalasesuatu included in daily activities such as cooking, washing, driving and other activities. Many mention that the next to come will be a lot of human pembabntu robot to perform many daily activitiesas well as in a job. As in the work that is usually done by many people such as sewingor folding the clothes with only the push of a button, people became the modernhumans who have a dependency on a tool instance happened was everybody's usinga smartphone, with semartphone man can do many things such as sending messages, pictures, video call and many other things. From there there are development tools ina place that is usually called an incubator. Incubators serve as floating technology orcreating a new technology to find a program or tool that can be used in a day in the life of man ". Examples such as in yogyakarta and precisely located in STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA many program or application that has dikambangkansuch as the smart home. Thereby, the technology will be well developed humandanjuga also perlumengetahui that they live in nature and they must also keep them.


The gratitude in praise we utter into the presence of God Almighty. due to the blessings of whom the task of scientific papers can we finish in accordance with thepredetermined time. In the paper we discuss about this "future technology", a problem that has always plagued by teenagers who make use of communication technology to access the information.
This scientific masterpiece created in order to meet assignment of subjects to deepen the business environment pemahan in the manufacture of scientific papers as well aspapers, besides this scientific masterpiece is one of the final task of this subject.
We are aware that as an ordinary human being did not escape the errors andshortcomings so that only such a person alone can we make.
So our work, it may be useful for all of us. amin.

Paiton, 05 February 2014


1.1Background Problems
1.2the formulation of the problem
1.3objectives and Benefits of writing
2.1 understanding of the technology of the future
2.2 How does the preparation for human membanggun the technology?
2.3 How does the preparation for human membanggun the technology?
2.4 How is human preparation for dealing with the developments?
3.1 Conclusions
3.2 Advice


1.1Background Problems
Human life begins from the simplicity of the life can be now considered very modern.In the current era, everything can be resolved in ways that are practical. This is the impact arising from the presence of technology. Technology is something that isuseful to facilitate all aspects of human life.
Current information as if the world could not regardless of the technology. The use of technology by the public makes the technology world the longer the moresophisticated. Communication which used to take a long time in it, now with technology everything becomes very fast and without any seeming distance.
With the rapid advances in technology, the proverb which States that "the world is notas wide as the leaves should morph into" kelor "World wide as kelor leaves". This is because the more rapid access to information in everyday life. We can know the eventwas going on in other regions or even in other countries, e.g. the United States even though we are in Indonesia.
Originally, the technology was created to make every human activity. Technologiesborn of human thought which seeks to facilitate its activities which are then applied in life. Now technology has evolved rapidly and increasingly sophisticated over time sothe addition of an increasingly indulgent technology functions of human life.
A growing number of technology also makes the Division travelled competed betweentechnological advancements and the man himself, as more humans count ontechnology without thinking to can make or set it up so the man will also be set up by technology.
In many parts of the world used to mengambangkan both in terms of technologiesand concepts that will ilmiyah applied, an example of smart home concept that can perform many activities usually done humans such as clean-up with the push of a button.
Many return for the mendisen of the diainer tool which will exist in the future and wecannot predict whether there will be or are more sophisticated than the design, thenfrom there it takes a superior human being to do it all and no doubt the tools friendlyto the environment.

1.2the formulation of the problem
Based on the above background, the problems in this paper are as follows;
a. whether the technology of the future is that?
b. How does human preparations to build the technology?
c. How is the preparation of the human development to confront them?
1.3objectives and Benefits of writing
1. the purpose of the writing
a. to find out about the sense of future technologies
b. to find out the design/preparation of men to build the technology.
c. to know human preparations in the face of technological developments of rebellioncould be would be able to do much in the appeal of a man.
2. Benefits of writing
a. it can be insightful to know what is the technology of the time.
b. can be as references the reader.
c. can provide information on whether we should do or persiaoan we do for future technologies.

2.1 understanding of the technology of the future
future technologies is a technology designed by humans to make human life became more modern and can do any activity easier and more efficient for humans who were once craft made things like sending a letter takes a few days to be sent from the startwriting letters, give stamps gives to new and kantorpos can be delivered, unlike nowthat can be easily and quickly without having to give the postman simply by typingand sending, such as the current example is a smartphone.
Doing it quickly has become human needs at the moment, because the future is nowmore inclined to be human can do the super fast and efficient. Thus humans also needtools that can be made to those needs
From there it grew a variety of ideas that are expected to create technology thathumans need, either in the form of a draft, or design tool called with the technologyof the future.

2.5 How does the preparation for human membanggun the technology?
Human need of a tool is not uncommon anymore and it makes people aware of howtu himself how to obtain such technology. Various ways ever traveled to it from schoolor learn to challenge anything that could concern the future. In addition there is alsothe desire of the coercion of the State or Government leaders to make the area into a developed area.
The development of the school also became important because in addition toeducating humans into characters who have a vast knowledge, also made many worksthat could be become a tool that will be a future technology. The Government was no less enthusiastic to make the students to become more interested in membangaunbecome more advanced, such as holding a competition-a competition that rewardsand earn great rewards. The perogram emerged from the many communities who want guided competitions, where in addition to gain experience record will also earn a certification or a gift that can help in the areas of finance, especially students.
Lectures have students become productive, too broad minded, because that creates the student will experience life away from home, making the students it has also become more independent because it must be meminimalis or where do I like enoughnecessities of life if what is given from parents less adequate, as most students comefrom out of town.
Many campuses have a place where to create an evolving tengtang a technology, such as examples of existing incubators in STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA. The incubatorserves as a means to develop software and hardware technology especially, and from there make a lot of new technologies as well as developing a technology that is already there to be compatible with the current needs of the era.

2.6 How do I Prep the development to confront the man?
The development of a more advanced technology should also be in balance with its advanced human development also because what if man is hypnotized by the existence of technology that can spoil the man himself, because if the man behind theman will also be affected as human beings will be set by the tool itself and because it's human need that tool.
The balance is required because basically everything that's balanced, able to facedemanded human advances in technology not only to harness also to know the toolscreate bengaimana as well as where to do so is not too tergantuk on the tool, the highest intellectual capability "occurred in humans in this era of nonverbal and wild.Then they have to think of ways to not eat wild animals, "said Crabtree, Gerladprincipal researcher of a study published in the journal of Trens in Genetics, such asdilanisir, the New York daily News (13/11).
Such statements could be taken away from the conclusion that the man must continue to find ways to get out of an existing technology dependence now, because it is unlikely to be abandon technology that exists today. Now living side by side with technology, then the simplest way is not too dependent on a search engine, it may beable to come to the library.
It also should keep an eye on is kebuadyaan, because as the development oftechnology and globalization. Culture of the day will be increasingly eroded that makes people forget the own culture, for example in what was often played withfriends in the kebuan or in the Park and is now replaced with technology such asSmartphones.

the closure of the
3.1 Conclusions
Future technologies is an expected human technology is coming and can be enjoyed, where can I to do various things such as homework, Office work, parentingbecame a teacher and more. A lot of people can do to be able to get the desired technologybecause it was facilitated with various tools. But humans also have to mngetahuiabout the existence of technology that can erode the culture because of the tendency of human beings who want to get as many treasures so forget culture they hold.Humans should be able to keep up with technological developments and especially inintellect, because people already depend on a tool that is also difficult to remove fromeveryday life.
3.2 Advice
to get a tool or a technology, then it must also struggle, and perjangan just to fought in bekan developed a tool but maintain a culture oppressed by so as not to influencetechnology tools.

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